A refreshing alternative to conventional cookie-cutter healthcare.

My approach starts with an in-depth evaluation of your past and current medical history, coupled with selected advanced testing, to discover the root causes of your condition and symptoms. Together, we then craft an actionable plan leading to lasting transformation.

You were designed to live an abundant life. There is no need to settle for less.


Cheerleader. Defender. Interpreter. Watchdog. I take my job seriously, and I’m not about to let you become just another statistic in the shuffle of conventional medicine.


The key to long-term wellness is learning to become your own best healthcare advocate. I would be honored to be your mentor.


Every trip needs a road map and an itinerary, and so it is with the journey to optimal health. Creating a plan that works for YOU is the key to success.


I graduated from Duke University with a BS in Cellular Biology and a Medical Doctorate degree. After eight more years of advanced training, I moved to the Tampa Bay area of Florida where I practiced for 26 years as a diagnostic radiologist. Initially, my focus was Interventional Radiology, but in the early 1990s, I turned to addressing the needs of women facing the possibility of breast cancer. I spent my time building the first patient-centered breast cancer detection service in the Tampa Bay area of Florida and working with the non-profit sector to address the needs of under-insured women facing breast cancer. After retiring from medicine in 2013, I re-discovered my absolute love of medicine and now spend many hours studying the world of Functional Medicine.

The Lord gifted me with my husband Jim twenty years ago, and we love being part of the lives of our mutual three children, two sons-in-law, and eight grandchildren. I try daily to fulfill my service to God, optimize personal wellness, and experience daily joy.

Please feel free to enroll in my online supplement dispensary. You get a discount, and my ministry collects a small fee to support the needs of those who cannot afford full priced supplements. Click the link below.


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Results vary from patient to patient.  No prescriptions or treatments will be given unless a clinical need exists based on an examination by the physician.  Any review or other material that could be regarded as a testimonial or endorsement does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of any consultation.  The testimonials on this website represent the anecdotal experience of individual consumers.  

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